Women of Costa Rica


The 21st century has become an era of women empowerment. Across the globe, women have taken up roles and responsibilities they have never filled before, indicating their true capabilities and the hope for a future that is female.

In Costa Rica, a small country of Central America, women seem to be at a crossroads between modern and traditional roles. The stories of three different women show the obvious progress in some areas while underscoring gender inequality issues the country still faces.  

Spring break of my junior year of college I had the opportunity to travel to Costa Rica with one of my journalism courses. It was one of the most rewarding experiences I’ve had in my college career, reporting and interviewing in another country, that gave me so many amazing memories and people I consider family.

Conducting interviews with a translator, I was able to interview three different women across the small country, Jeanette, Elizabeth and Anyoleth on their experiences with gender roles in Central America.

The full stories of these women can be found here.
